Aureum Pens
© Aureum Pens 2017

Experiments in wood

Here are a few photographs of pens I’ve made from wood

I have made a few pens by experimenting with types of wood.
Pictured left are some Single twist top pens I’ve made from various types of wood. Those can be quite interesting with the different grains and colours of wood but I decided to try something special.
On the right is a pen I made by lamenting two types of wood together. Having never done it before it was a bit tricky getting the sizes of wood right and prepared correctly. The next process was to cut each section and then marry them up to produce the correct pattern. The pen you see was my first attempt and although it looks okay there are errors which I hope to perfect in time.
The pen on the left, a Tycoon Fountain pen was made by a process of laminating three types of wood together into a block. That block is then cut and glued back together in such a way so as to produce the pattern you can see here. The problem I encountered with this one was when I was squaring the ends of the blank. The grain of the wood is at an angle and can easily break off, ruining the whole project. I am still experimenting with this so I can perfect the process and reduce wastage.
The pen on the right is another experiment using thinner slithers of wood laminated together and cut in the same way as the pen above. This pen was a gift to someone and is one of the roller-ball pens in my range. The same problems as I experienced in the example above are present in making this type of blank, in fact even more so due to the thinness of the slithers of wood. I intend to persevere with this technique and to overcome these production issues.
Aureum Pens
© Aureum Pens 2017

Experiments in wood

Here are a few photographs of pens

I’ve made from wood

I have made a few pens by experimenting with types of wood.
Pictured left are some Single twist top pens I’ve made from various types of wood. Those can be quite interesting with the different grains and colours of wood but I decided to try something special.
On the right is a pen I made by lamenting two types of wood together. Having never done it before it was a bit tricky getting the sizes of wood right and prepared correctly. The next process was to cut each section and then marry them up to produce the correct pattern. The pen you see was my first attempt and although it looks okay there are errors which I hope to perfect in time.
The pen on the left, a Tycoon Fountain pen was made by a process of laminating three types of wood together into a block. That block is then cut and glued back together in such a way so as to produce the pattern you can see here. The problem I encountered with this one was when I was squaring the ends of the blank. The grain of the wood is at an angle and can  easily break off, ruining the whole project. I am still experimenting with this so I can perfect the process and reduce wastage.
The pen on the right is another experiment using thinner slithers of wood laminated together and cut in t he same way as the pen above. This pen was a gift to someone and is one of the roller-ball pens in my range. The same problems as I experienced in the example above are present in making this type of blank, in fact even more so due to the thinness of the slithers of wood. I intend to persevere with this technique and to overcome these production issues.